Sunday, December 26, 2010

Pocketfitting Cameras

not take much to lose.

Martin lost a point for the hood. For three votes Fini lost face.

Saturday, December 25, 2010

Smoke Grnades For Sale

placeholder for the Christmas table

Shhhh me have got away One moment ... I wanted to show what I created as a placeholder for the Christmas table in my mother's house ...

What do you think ??...

Now back with the others ... and you do not light!

not have seen me: P

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Matcha Powder Toronto

OFFERS Christmas

Great offer from today on December 22 Panettoni fair trade and Pandora.
Christmas cakes every two equal, 50% discount on the second and this offer is valid until stocks are exhausted! Also

are available for a very special dinner and lunch: tortellini, bricks, wild salmon, sardines and many other delights selected for the occasion.

So hurry up and Buon Appetito

Saturday, December 18, 2010

Acg Nike Womens Jacket Rn 56323

press release by the Consortium Other Economy City dell'Altraeconomia

THE CITY 'alternative economy

on other economy
of the Executive POLVERINI
E 'opened a new front of danger that may really close forever not only in Rome but throughout the Lazio Region in the hopes placed by the citizens of ethical and solidarity-saving alternative money and reuse of materials, good social practices, attention to conditions of work and relationships with people that other economy focuses on the objectives of the regional law and the Charter of Principles.
The provision is contained in the recently connected to the regional financial institution approved by the Board and will soon be under discussion at Pisa. You are trying to repeal the law framework, the result of a job Comparison gained through years of confrontation with the companies and associations, which has given the Lazio Region for the first time a definition task to another economy and all sectors that comprise it, while in other regions in our sample are eo is made are likely to enact similar laws.
We believe that this attack very hard by the Board Polverini is in stark contrast to the recently established relationship with the City of Rome, a path that instead participate fully with great expectations.
The Consortium therefore requests the President Polverini hard to immediately cancel this act, of course announces new forms of mobilization at the request of support from the population of the Lazio Region and lobbying by business and workers operating in the Altraeconomia Pisana when this step will be discussed.
CONSORTIUM CITIES 'alternative economy
convene a meeting on the theme of the realities involved
Sunday, December 19 at 10:30
Rome, December 16, 2010

Thursday, December 16, 2010

John Lennon Masterbate

New Blog Candy Giveaway

Great Giveaway, the prize is great and all other persons well!

And we want to talk about this Christmas Giveaway Beautiful Things ?
Miss already has 664 comments ...

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

How To Graph On A Bd 6120g

What do trainees ..... Country

... when are the courses??

They enjoy all the teachers!!

Here are some highlights: D

And with this Calzedonna wishes you happy holidays!

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Replace Square Recessed Lighting

: Alemanno wants to raise, but the waste Polverini

Giulio Sardi (L '
THE CASE. The regional government of Lazio, the first repeal the law at the national level promotes many business activities.
There is no peace to Rome to the other economy. The organizations and companies active in the alternative economic front - from organic to fair trade, ethical finance the critical consumption - have just successfully closed the front with the City of Rome, and here comes a tough new attack, this time by Regione Lazio. The Board Polverini repealing the first law at the national level promotes and regulates the Other in an organic economy. The

provision is included in the newly connected to the regional financial institution approved by the Board and will soon be under discussion at Pisa. This is the framework law, the result of a work of long years of confrontation with the companies and associations, with which the Region Lazio gave for the first time a definition task to another economy and all sectors that belong to it. The legislation

regional economy, the Other is defined as the "rules of conduct based on the enhancement of economic relations between the parties rather than the capital, on the equitable distribution of resources, respect and protection of the environment , and the pursuit of social objectives. " Not only that. 20 The law also provided for several measures of support and promotion - from financial incentives to centers for the other economy - to allow further development of alternative economies in the region of Lazio.

E 'was just the first report of the Other economies in Italy, presented in Rome last year, to certify that, despite the moonlight, the beautiful country of green-economy has achieved positive results, in contrast with traditional sectors of the economy. Almost 4% of gross domestic product, about 170 000 companies with more than 1.4 million workers (6% of the national total) and about 700 thousand volunteers, with an added value created of over 60 billion euro.

But sometimes, the right hand does not know what that further to the right, and so the question arises today with what funds it will raise Alternative Economy and the roman that Alemanno announced. Yes, because the economic resources for the alternative economies came in large part by regional funds and the financing of the law that now Polverini intend to repeal. For companies, associations and citizens is already time to take back the bullhorns and banners placed just barely rolled to defend again the other economy possible.

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

South Part Online 777


Another blogghina which reached 122,000 visits a nice goal, maybe in 10 years I will get there! It then launched a nice BLOG CANDY!

congratulate Sabrina .

December 3

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Is It Okay To Wear A Dress To School?

romantic country or country?? Greetings

Stencil for reindeer played on wooden hearts adorned with ribbons of cloth of various colors ..

Also stencil, but on fabric this time and again to act as a reindeer owner, definitely a nice way to decorate the tree .. or garlands ... or whatever your imagination suggests
and finally ...

stencil again, but different subject for a different kind ...

What is your gender?? : D

Friday, December 3, 2010

Can You Get A Cameltoe In Spandex?


The Committee in Defense of the House of the Delivery Services and Maternal and Child XIII Municipio, given the impending expiration of the testing phase of assistance to natural childbirth, at the villa " Acqualuce, "and the equally imminent expiry of the contract to provide three midwives;

Given that no positive response has come despite the commitments made by the Chairman and Commissioner of Health of Lazio Region , Renata Polverini and the then Special Commissioner of the ASL RM / D;

Concerned that the lack of responses, both in terms of adequate staffing of Staff Obstetrics, mostly, and legal regulations regarding the definition of the structure, should be a clear intention to conclude this significant experience;

Alarmed by this lack of clarity and transparency in the path, taken at the time and the fact that, by specious arguments and instruments, we can prevent the continuation of the experience the Natural Childbirth and, therefore, the statement a culture of non-medicalized birth;

The Committee will launch a public initiative for the day Friday, December 10, 2010 at 11:00 am at of the House Parto "Acqualuce" Hospital GB Grassi.

are invited to participate in the political, territorial, social and trade union to reaffirm strongly NO the closing of the Casa del Parto "Acqualuce.

How To Install Front License Plate Honda Pilot

giveaway by Rebecca

Today my good friend Rebecca's blog CUCICREANDO birthday, so he decided to launch a giveaway, I think it's worth it! Until 19 December!

Thursday, December 2, 2010

80s Aerobic Instructor Male


I know late epr wish her ... but what can you do the work are many and time is running out .. does not scroll as you would like ...

Now I show you the stool that I wanted to give to Antonella for her birthday which is beautiful and tender is the past ... But the angel of the house, which she is in her home !!^_^

Friday, November 26, 2010

Why Did Tawnee Stone Quit


Paola's blog my little corner CREATIVE, has launched a giveaway ringraxiamento,
In Gift ... what we want in his fantastic creations!

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Country course

Country painting, two subjects completely different ... What unites the two trainees?

Look for a moment and ....

Yes. have you noticed?


Well let me tell you!

but the skill of the two trainees! They were phenomenal, precise ... bravissime !!^_^ rocking

Customize Track Shoes

good news for the city 'alternative economy

Car Amic * * we communicate that the meeting between the Delegation of the European Works Association and the Mayor Gianni Alemanno has gone very well, as you can see from the press release we have prepared and the notes made by the Mayor (see below). It 's really a great achievement for the Altreconomia in Rome and we hope this is the first step towards saving the City project dell'Altreconomia. We believe it is also a great satisfaction for all those who supported and inspired the mobilization of these months. The game is not over, now we need to work immediately with all the organizations that are interested in consolidating this process. See you this weekend for the Festival in other economies. Greetings

press release the mayor

"This morning I met with a delegation representing the Consortium Other Economy City to confront about the problems inherent in the target area. I explained that, by the administration Capitolina, there is no intention to reduce or erase what we experience great relief. For this, we agreed to start a table of town planning for the future of the spaces of Economy City. " This was stated in a note to the mayor of Rome, Gianni Alemanno. (

CITY 'alternative economy

Rome mayor Gianni Alemanno has met this morning with a delegation from the Consortium Economy City "with whom he discussed the future of the space that the former Hole Boario three years has seen companies and associations engaged in the development of the idea of \u200b\u200ban economy other than the city.
The mayor, recognizing the value of the work of established reality and activities as an opportunity for recovery in Rome, welcomed the proposal submitted by the Consortium in a note to open a table of town planning for the future of the spaces of the Other City Economy, continuity with the path undertaken by the Consortium.
The table, the intent of the Consortium and the Mayor, will involve other organizations involved in the other economy in the city, willing to share the principles of the project Economy City and recovery.
The mayor, with this act, said he was willing to depart from a comparison of the institutional story of Economy City for consideration and support public policies better suited to highlight the economic contribution and social realities that make other economy in Rome.
"We consider this meeting an important fruit of the mobilization and commitment of companies and associations Consortium - have said the delegates of the Consortium at the end of the meeting - and all those organizations that have supported the project. On 26, 27 and 28 November to Economy City will hold a three-day Festival of the other economies. We invite all the people and the organizations that have supported us to participate, and will open Sunday morning, part of the 'Rome on the move' to be held in Conference Room 'Renato Biagetti' starting at 10.30, a preliminary discussion with realities interested in participating at the table for discussion and planning with the city government. "

Rome, November 24, 2010

Press information: Cesare
Budoni - 349 6040937
Communications Manager
Consortium Economy City "

Thursday, November 25, 2010

How To Connect Coin Slot To Pc

play by Mylucky

On Blog My Lucky there's a pretty nice little game, now is booming around some games, get used ... hi hi hi
Andete and see ... and elephant riding!

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Edward Syndrome How It's Found

Givwaway from Scotland ...

The gift is too good to not groped, and then go to WONDERS OF SCOTLAND and discover the wonders on offer until November 30!

Monday, November 22, 2010

Baskin Robbins Basketball Cake

rocking weekend! What


experience .. rather two wonderful experiences with different trainees, but with a lot of sympathy, kindness, dedication, enthusiasm, tireless, industrious, full of initiative and with a lot of patience ... as not to be pleased to have worked with them, although in places and on different days ..

is collaboration, because that's what happened ... are really satisfied .. I also hope those who attended the courses.

The first course held on Saturday, 20, Monopoly Graziana at the store, where they found the trainees to create a panel representative of an angel.

The trainees were the beginners, in theory, in reality were so good!!

Actually it was a pleasure working with them, do not stop their compliments for the way they are given to do .. I would say almost expert!
atmosphere full of harmony and desire to do!

Sunday 21 but the course was held at the local Yolanda (my sister, as well as the doll that inspired some of you will remember along with Hurricane Catrina) Guest unique and precious.

The trainees?

special person, wonderful hard-working, veteran, have shown their skill in more than one occasion .. although some have stumbled on some steps ... but what?

again congratulations for the skill and competence!

The work was long, but the whole day has passed without so much as we knew it ...

satisfaction at the end of construction seemed to palpable ...

Hey .. I tell you! I do not shame is not it?

you satisfied?

I hope so !!^___^

Until next time: D

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Street Legal Dune Buggies

you are missing?

a slate that leaves room for the Sunflowers .... and a small butterfly .. warm colors full of verve and brightness ... A gift given at Christmas but can be used all year round.

What's missing?

But it is not to be used only in the kitchen, even in a double miss, and in an office .. because no! Why not personalize a job?

Greetings to all ^ ^

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Hiv Rash Causes Scab ?

COSAP happens to the organic market ?

And speaking of tax concession of public land in Rome has increased by 35% and that puts the organization at significant risk of market next year. In fact to tell the truth, the surprise was to learn that this increase is retroactive and that the municipality intends to apply for adjustment 2010. In practice, our brave administrators have decided, in July 2010, approving the budget in seven months of delay, it would be appropriate to raise the tax on public land with effect from 2010. Too bad that we and tens if not hundreds of workers had already made the request in March without any communication regarding this event. These days we are trying to find ways to still be able to organize the event so that it receives approval from local residents. Meanwhile I can only invite you to participate on November 20 and December 18 in the 4th and waiting for better news.

Wax Before Or After A Shower?

Brasilen! Biol

is back on our shelves the legendary Brasilena!

is it?
a refreshing, sparkling drink coffee!

is fair and inclusive?
in a sense! :-) Comes from Calabria!

will pick!

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Limiting Reagent Benzocaine

and Complaints

hello ...
we are again to write on our blog.
now publish this nice self-interview with Joseph Brandizzi, owner of BIOL ', with the opportunity to remind you that Saturday, November 5 IS THE MAIN EVENT WITH VIVIBIO AND WILL BE PRESENT THE MORNING!

And there vo 'door' du Bio sketches of milk from the heart countryside van Rome?

unconsciousness or perhaps courage, take your pick!

Since I embarked on this venture I'm touching hands with many of the distortions and paradoxes that fill our daily lives, on the other hand, I proclaimed himself the de RE

and that '? der raw milk? No

of 'EXPOSED now I explain

play, as many of my colleagues across Italy, a direct sale of agricultural products on traveling, produced, processed, packed and seeking survival of my farm by selling my products in Rome with the refrigerated vans, often to or gas consumers looking for local produce, preferably organic.

Apart from the tons of red tape necessary preventive, the problem is the attention that this activity gives rise to the current trading system in Rome

Mo 'Ariva this co'm' buckets of milk, fresh and crisp, there is Hunting Hunting 'the competition instituted!

is the problem, the competition from the way to an endless succession of complaints by those businesses who feel 'threatened' by the direct sales force and, almost always VVUU to intervene.

episodes are many successes, some grotesque, others ridiculous, but always for competitive reasons.

Ciampino * A trader said a statement and since there were no available VVUU sent a patrol of the 113 sirens wailing to intercept! * A Monteverde
a VVUU spoke on exposed, after checking carefully the documentation and did not find anything relevant, we asked if we had paid the fee for advertising because of Biol written on the van! * A
Ostia, away from VVUU 'cause less than 200 meters from the local market (usually not more' in force)
* All 'turned away from African VVUU exposed on the nearby local market for sale is not permitted in the district itinerant
* Last episode in S. Lorenzo in Pza dei Campani, the VVUU intervened by threatening sanctions for us to note that we were parked partially on the sidewalk while at the same time and same place, there was a multitude of badly parked cars. Conclusion: dislodged from exposed. Anyways

'er that milk and' always bbianco, but sarvognuno, not where cocaine comes from!

Saturday, October 2, 2010

Wording To Honor The Deceased At A Wedding

the ABC Group Purchasing

purchasing groups
The GAS is an initiative born at the Bottega del Mondo Cape Horn, in January 2006 with the aim of extending the benefits of our customers to shop daily, and integrate circuit products Fair and biological.
The initiative is aimed at individuals and families who want to buy certified organic products, cut costs and time for this!
Cape Horn offers with GAS:
Short Chain : we work to expand the network of direct relationships with producers in order to offer high quality products at a fair price and have more control of production systems.
Reduced environmental impact: particular attention is paid to the environmental impact of our daily lives, making choices as possible eco-friendly. Promoting the purchase of bulk packaging type your bid for re-use plastic crates for fruit and vegetables.
offers every Weekly

  • fruit and vegetables

  • eggs
  • bread
  • meat
  • products various kinds to complete your pantry, including fresh produce.
proposed monthly:
  • Parmesan
  • oranges *

How to join the GAS?
filling out the application form available at or at the store.
What does it cost to join the GAS?
Nothing but make orders as is necessary to pay € 15.00 deposit.

How do I order?
Via e-mail address , via SMS to +393206651895, or at the store.
Can I choose the composition of the box of vegetables and fruits?
No. The composition is chosen by the manufacturer according to season and availability. You can order single cassette produced by 3 kg.
How to pay?
Cash or cash, are accepted SCEC 10%.
What is Regulation?
1) It requires payment of the deposit for the entire cost of perishable products.
2) Upon payment of the deposit will be given a receipt as proof of payment.

3) The goods should be withdrawn absolutely

between 16.00 and 20.00 on Wednesday and / or
between 10:00 and 17:30 Saturday .
4) In order to reduce wastage due to failure to collect, from 19.30 before the Wednesday and Saturday at 17.00, unless expressly advised we reserve the right to replace the products.
5) The deposit will be lost if not collected on the appointed day.
6) The delivery of the last week must be booked before 13:00 on Saturday, the Saturday before 20:00 on Wednesday.
7) The deposit allows you to order spending:
a) confirm at the time of collecting the goods,
b) at our office, via sms 3206651895 (insert name), via e-mail to
8) Cancellation of the expenditure must be received by 18:00 h the day before delivery.
9) The deposit, except art. 5, will be returned upon presentation of a receipt, in case you decide not to use most of the buying group.
10) This Regulation, updated through the publication on the website
11) members are invited to return their empty boxes cleaned, and in order to leave them in spaces provided during the days of Wednesday and Saturday.
Note: All information below will be updated on

biweekly intervals: Wednesdays and Saturdays
The Order is made:
before 13:00 Saturday to Wednesday,
by 20:00 on Wednesday for the Saturday.
The retreat should be made:
later than 20:00 on Wednesday,
before 17:30 Saturday.

Weight in KG in cash
Price to Cash
Price to Kg
chest Fruit + Vegetables
10 kg
€ 18.00
1.80 € / kg
Cash Fruit + Vegetables
5 kg
€ 11.00
2.20 € / kg
Case Only Mixed Fruit
5 kg
€ 13.00
2.60 € / kg
Cash Only Vegetables
5 kg
€ 11.00
2.20 € / kg
Cash Only Vegetables
10 kg
€ 18.00
1.80 € / kg

The composition of the mixed boxes (fruit and vegetables) is available at the relevant link.
The weight is meant a weight average annual, for example, the bureau may vary during the year from 9kg to 11 kg depending on the season and the price per kilo.
The price is inclusive of € 3.00 for transportation, that applies to every household even if the withdrawal is commonly done.
In addition to the bureau, you can order one or more boxes containing 3 kg of mono product, which vary in type and price from season to season, even those viewed at the cool page.

New Agriculture (project Officinae Bio ) farm is to integrate disadvantaged people in charge of biological since more than 30 years in our area, offering products from our own, and members throughout the country, and only when the production does not reach satisfactory levels buy certified products from wholesalers absorb any costs. E 'committed to supplying fresh produce trade fair circuit.
LOCATION: Via Valle di Perna, 315 00129 Rome
DIRECT CONTACTS: tel. 06.50796091 - email:
nb: in the same day will be the farm BIOL ', milk, cheeses and red meat. for information on products and price list visit the website
Cadence bi-weekly: Tuesdays and Fridays
The Order is made:
before 13:00 on Saturday to withdraw by next Saturday,
by 20:00 on Wednesday to withdraw them by next Wednesday.

Unit Price
Booking Discount
Apple Juice
1 lt
€ 3.10
15% *
Source Cornino : it is a family business with over 14 years of experience in biology, areas of Montepulciano. The apple juice c he proposes e are a 100% juice only apples, unsweetened, flavorings, water and preservatives.
Corporate Source Cornino
LOCATION: Via Fontecornino, 2
biweekly Cadence: Tuesday and Friday
The Order is made:
before 13:00 on Saturday to withdraw by next Saturday,
before 20: 00 of Wednesday to withdraw them by next Wednesday.

Unit Price
discount amount.
Price pkg.
Passed Glass
700 gr
€ 2.45
15% *
€ 24.99
Pelati in Barattolo
800 gr
€ 2.25
15% *
Pelati in Barattolo
400 gr
PAC : In line with those which are the values \u200b\u200bthat have always inspired the company, PAC offers a range of products derived from agriculture biological . For over twenty years, the PAC produces organic line for third parties. Now, understand that there is more to get better taste, the tomato has become part of organic production program since 2002 with brand own . The secret of the biological line represents the hope of a rebirth and a new positive way of interpreting a primary resource, such as agriculture, and highlights the approach innovative company into a nutrition, in addition to being healthy, is also in step with the times.
Company PAC
LOCATION: Via Ponte Gagliardo, 2 - Funds
Cadence biweekly on Tuesdays and Friday
The Order be done:
before 13:00 on Saturday to withdraw from Tuesday to Friday,
by 20:00 on Wednesday to withdraw from Friday to Monday.

Category Weight
Price ½ dozen
Price ½ dozen
A Fresh
€ 1.85 *
€ 2.00
for organic eggs are those produced by hens who scratch around outdoors with plants in 10 square meters each, with organic plant food sources.
choice to offer the loose egg, and then invite participants to bring a clean container for storage.
* the price is to be considered with reservation.
Egg Farm Dor
LOCATION: Via Val di Sole, 10 - 00048 Nettuno
DIRECT CONTACTS: tel. 06.9851874 - email:
Cadence twice weekly: Wednesdays and Saturdays
The Order is made:
within 13:00, Saturday to Wednesday,
by 20:00 on Wednesday for Saturday.
The retreat should be made:
later than 20:00 on Wednesday,
before 17:30 Saturday.

600 gr
€ 2.50
600 gr
€ 2.20
600 gr
€ 4.25
Grano Duro
600 gr
600 gr
600 gr

1 kg
€ 4.10
1 kg
€ 3.60
1 kg
€ 4.10
Grano Duro
1 kg
€ 4.10

500 gr
€ 3.55
500 gr
€ 3.80
Panis Naturae srl: using p er rising, the sour dough, seasoned with sea salt
LOCATION: Via Romanello da Forli, 19 / b
DIRECT CONTACTS: tel. 06.273863
Weekly Rate: from Tuesday
The Order is made: later than 20:00 on Wednesday.

€ / Kg
Average Price

chicken leg
0.650 kg / 0.750
€ 11.55
€ 8.09
chicken liver
0.500 Kg
€ 4.81
€ 2.41
Gallina bust
1.000 kg / 1.200
€ 5.84
€ 6.43
Grilled chicken
0.650 kg / 0.750
€ 10.73
€ 7.51
breast sliced \u200b\u200b
0.250 kg / 0.350
€ 28.60
€ 8.58
entire breast
0.250 kg / 0.350
€ 27.09
€ 8.13
whole chicken bust
1.100 kg / 1.400
€ 11.28
€ 14.09
Chicken bust s / p for grilled
1.000 Kg
€ 8.25
0.500 kg / 0.600
€ 11.55

€ / Kg
Average Price
Coscia turkey
0.750 kg / 0.900
€ 9.08
breast sliced \u200b\u200b
0.300 kg / 0.350
€ 25.58
Kg 0.400, / 0.500
€ 9.08

Farm San Bartolomeo: Fresh grass and grain produced in good 'Company is the daily food of chickens San Bartolomeo free scratching from morning to evening on the lawn for the night and have a comfortable "ark" to themselves surrounded by greenery. Scratching grow naturally and in full health in the pure air of Tuscany for over four months and are a tasty, healthy, organic and high quality guaranteed.
DIRECT CONTACTS: tel. 0761.251782
biweekly Cadence: from Tuesday
The Order is made: by 20:00 Thursday.

Provamel - soy
Unit Price
Booking Discount
Milk Natural
12 bottles of 1 liter
€ 2.20
Latte Classic
12 bottles of 1 liter
€ 2.55
Milk Chocolate
12 bottles of 1 liter
€ 2.90
Spread and kitchen
6 packs of 200 gr
€ 2.25
GalydhĂ  - goat
Unit Price
Booking Discount
Whole Milk
6 bottles of 0.5 lt
€ 2.20
Lima - rice
Unit Price
Booking Discount
rice milk
12 bottles of 1 liter
€ 2.20
from this distributor you can buy other organic products, fresh or dried, in packs of having an entire discount 15% for the products are found on the Internet.
Distributor : Ki Group