Friday, December 3, 2010

Can You Get A Cameltoe In Spandex?


The Committee in Defense of the House of the Delivery Services and Maternal and Child XIII Municipio, given the impending expiration of the testing phase of assistance to natural childbirth, at the villa " Acqualuce, "and the equally imminent expiry of the contract to provide three midwives;

Given that no positive response has come despite the commitments made by the Chairman and Commissioner of Health of Lazio Region , Renata Polverini and the then Special Commissioner of the ASL RM / D;

Concerned that the lack of responses, both in terms of adequate staffing of Staff Obstetrics, mostly, and legal regulations regarding the definition of the structure, should be a clear intention to conclude this significant experience;

Alarmed by this lack of clarity and transparency in the path, taken at the time and the fact that, by specious arguments and instruments, we can prevent the continuation of the experience the Natural Childbirth and, therefore, the statement a culture of non-medicalized birth;

The Committee will launch a public initiative for the day Friday, December 10, 2010 at 11:00 am at of the House Parto "Acqualuce" Hospital GB Grassi.

are invited to participate in the political, territorial, social and trade union to reaffirm strongly NO the closing of the Casa del Parto "Acqualuce.


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