Monday, January 31, 2011

Pokemon Cross-stitch Patterns

When the ship will sink on board will be there all of the

more a party goes down in the polls while attending to the astonished is happening, not knowing what to propose viable policy to overcome the difficult time crossing the country, and the more I feel furious shouting "Berlusconi resigns", but it is also the only one who stands for hours in the polls despite the harakiri practiced at the altar of viagra. Perhaps this could be the key to the national political crisis: a global hangover and bipartisan ambitions without head or tail. A situation in which it will not be easy to find a painless way out to the right, left and center. We are all in "poop" and it's time to tone down the rhetoric and realize that when and if the ship will sink, as it deprives efficient boats to rescue everyone on board will be there.


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